Yields from AGB stars experiencing a PIE
When using these data, please refer to :
The intermediate neutron capture process.
III. The i-process in AGB stars of different masses and metallicities without overshoot
Choplin A., Siess L., Goriely S., 2022, A&A, 667, 155
The intermediate neutron capture process.
V. The i-process in AGB stars with overshoot
Choplin A., Siess L., Goriely S., 2024, A&A, 684, 206
Available files
elemental yields (mass fraction) | without overshooting | with overshooting |
elemental yields [X/Fe] | without overshooting | with overshooting |
isotopic yields | without overshooting | with overshooting |
initial elemental abundances | without overshooting | with overshooting |
initial isotopic abundances | without overshooting | with overshooting |
Header description
Each column corresponds to a stellar model whose properties are described in the header (first 12 lines).
The header contains the following information :
- ini. mass : initial stellar mass in M_sun
- [Fe/H] : initial composition in terms of [Fe/H]
- metallicity : initial metallicity Z in mass fraction
- ini.compo. : specifies whether the initial composition is solar or alpha-enhanced
- f_top : when present, specifies the amount of overshooting at the top of the thermal pulse
- npulse : the number of thermal pulses during the AGB phase (pulse declared if Tpulse>200MK)
- PIE? : flag to indicate whether the model experiences a PIE or not
- final mass : the final stellar mass of the model in M_sun
- ej. mass : the total mass ejected in M_sun
The name of the model is written in the 11th line and is the same as in the paper.
Description of yields_el.dat
This file contains the yields for each element. The yields are expressed in mass fraction. They correspond to the mass (in M_sun) of each element ejected by the stellar winds, divided by the total mass ejected by the model (given in the header).

The denominator is equal to the total mass ejected, which is given in the header.
Description of yields_el_ini.dat
Same file as yields_el.dat but here the initial elemental mass fractions are reported.
Description of yields_iso.dat
Same file as yields_el.dat but here the yields in mass fractions are reported for all isotopes.
NOTE : the yield of the isotopes ca40, zn70, ge76, se82, te130, xe136, nd150 and pt192 are not reported for the models without PIE (M1.0z2.0, M2.0z3.0a, M2.0z2.0, M3.0z3.0, M3.0z2.5 and M3.0z2.0). In these models, we used a reduced s-process network of 411 isotopes where these isotopes are not included. These elements are not synthesized by the s-process at low neutron densities and their initial abundance is low except for ca40, whose abundance in the reduced network was added to ca42.
Description of yields_iso.dat
Same file as yields_iso.dat but here the initial isotopic mass fractions are reported.
Super-AGB Yields
SAGB yields for various assumptions concerning the efficiencies of convection and third-dredge-up.
The 5 tables are also available at CDS
Table2 | Standard yields (no 3rd dredge-up, λ=0) |
Table3 | High 3rd dredge-up efficiency yields (λ=0.8) |
Table4 | Low 3rd dredge-up efficiency yields (λ=0.3) |
Table5 | High envelope temperature yields (1.1*Tenv) |
Table6 | Low envelope temperature yields (0.9*Tenv) |
- Reference to be mentioned: Siess L. 2010, A&A, 512, A10 PDF
Carolyn Doherty's yields | Yields available for Z=0.02, 0.008, 0.004, 0.001, 0.0001 for various mass loss rates and opacity treatments |
Super-AGB Models up to the end of Carbon Burning
Table 1 | Z = 0.00001, Y = 0.2479 |
Table 2 | Z = 0.0001, Y = 0.2480 |
Table 3 | Z = 0.001, Y = 0.2492 |
Table 4 | Z = 0.004, Y = 0.2533 |
Table 5 | Z = 0.008, Y = 0.2587 |
Table 6 | Z = 0.020, Y = 0.2748 |
Table 7 | Z = 0.040, Y = 0.3017d |
Table 8 | Z = 0.0001, Y = 0.2480 + overshooting |
Table 9 | Z = 0.020, Y = 0.2748 + overshooting |
Table00 | Complete grid of models (SAGB_all_grids.tgz) |
Online article tables
Table 1 | models properties prior to C-burning |
Table 2 | models properties during C-burning |
Table 3 | surface abundances at the end of 1DUP |
Table 4 | surface abundances at the end of 2DUP |
Initial composition (mass fraction of each element)
- Reference to be mentioned: Siess L. 2007, A&A, 476, 893-909 PDF
Pre-Main Sequence and Main Sequence Stars
Grids of evolutionary models (2000)
Explanations of File variables
- Data for Z = 0.010, X = 0.734, Y = 0.256
- Data for Z = 0.020, X = 0.703, Y = 0.277
- Data for Z = 0.020, X = 0.703, Y = 0.277 + overshooting
- Data for Z = 0.030, X = 0.673, Y = 0.297
- Data for Z = 0.040, X = 0.642, Y = 0.318
- Reference to be mentioned: Siess L., Dufour E., Forestini M. 2000, A&A, 358, 593 PDF
The Sun
An old solar model (2001)