3. How to plot a reaction rate> 3a. First step: go to Plot Individual Reaction Rate.

Here is a screen copy of the form corresponding to step 3a.

II. Individual reactions

Enter Reaction (Click here for help):

Bibliographic index (1 = default = most recent rate):


First construct the network by clicking on Add reaction to network
the button Compute reaction rate will appear in the next form.

3b. Second step: Select the temperature range.

Then click on the button
'Plot the reaction rate'.

Results are shown in step 3c.

Here is a screen copy of the form corresponding to step 3b:

Request from: (

Please send comments and suggestions to

List the current network


Provide temperature grid:

Minimum Temperature (in units of 108 K: T8 > 0.01):
Maximum Temperature (in units of 108 K: T8 < 10.0):
Number of grid points (max. 250):

Back to network construction


bib_code Reaction to plot: 
  1      1 C  13 ( 1 PROT , 0 OOOOO)  1 N  14  

3c. Results:

The plot of the reaction rate is stored in gif and postscript formats in files named '' and 'VtmpIP_address.gif' in An example is Vtmp164.15.125.46.gif
The client IP_address is given here.

Here is a copy of the final output screen:

Click here to download the postscript file

Click here to download the gif file
Back to the network construction form
More info about this reaction rate

Plot of reaction rate'

Reaction rate plotted:

NAv(N-1) < sigma v > [(cm3 mole-1)(N-1) s-1, where N (>1) refers to the number of particles in the entrance channel]
lambda [s-1] for beta-decays, electron captures, or photodesintegrations

#             1 C  13    
#                 +      
#             1 PROT    
#                 =      
#             0 OOOOO   
#                 +      
#             1 N  14    
# Qrad(MeV)      7.551    
# Qnu (MeV)       .000    
# Type              --   
#       T8
      .5000  .5530E-07  
     1.0000  .8430E-04  
     1.5000  .3000E-02  
     2.0000  .2930E-01  
     2.5000  .1540E+00  
     3.0000  .5810E+00  
     3.5000  .1960E+01  
     4.0000  .6040E+01  
     4.5000  .1690E+02  
     5.0000  .4200E+02  
     1   1 C  13 ( 1 PROT , 0 OOOOO)  1 N  14 

 Number of rates available = 3

 #  Date    Reference 
 1  280399  Nacre reaction rates 280399  c13pg    (nominal)             
 2  280399  Nacre reaction rates 280399  c13pg    (low)                 
 3  280399  Nacre reaction rates 280399  c13pg    (high)                

 Ref. # 1 selected for reaction c13pg    (nominal)                   