This program allows you to compute any isochrone and/or the ZAMS position for
pre-main and main sequence stars.
To proceed, select the
metallicity and
mass tracks and then specify the
age . The results will be displayed on the screen and can be saved by typing
Alt + S. They include the
stellar mass, age, radius, luminosity, and effective temperature as well as some colors. To convert the effective temperatures resulting from our models to colors, you have the choice to use the conversion table presented in Kenyon and Hartmann (1995, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Series
101, 117) or the one compiled by Siess
et al. (1997, Astron. Astrophys.
324, 556). Note that in the latter case, only the B,V,R and I magnitudes are available. The colors are expressed in the
Cousins system.
When the selected age for the isochrone is greater than the age of the last computed model, we take this last value in our files. This is indicated by
flag = 1 (0 by default). When the colors are extrapolated out of the tables, this is indicated by
check = 1 (0 by default).
Reference to be mentioned: Siess L., Dufour E., Forestini M. 2000, A&A,
358, 593