File Syntax and Content
Files are named suny[Y]a[A][O], where
- Y is the initial Helium mass fraction,
- A is the value of the Mixing Length Theory parameter used and
- O is an additional character set specifying some particular features of the computed models (optional).
The listings are already rather easy to understand (in particular concerning various global informations and physical analysis). We will just define here the meaning of each structural variable, namely
- r/R*: relative radius,
- T: temperature (in K),
- rho: volumic mass (in cgs)
- P: pressure (in cgs)
- beta: ratio of gas pressure to total pressure
- eta; degeneracy parameter
- lnf: dependent variable, function of the degeneracy parameter
- s: reduced entropy
- l: luminosity (in cgs)
- u: lagrangian velocity (in cgs)
- m/M*: relative mass
- tau: optical depth (grey approximation)
- kappa: total opacity coefficient (radiative+conductive; in cgs)
- mu: total mean molecular weight
- mue: electronic mean molecular weight
- adgrad: adiabatic gradient
- mugrad: mean molecular weight gradient
- radgrad: radiative gradient
- grad: true local gradient
- soundv: sound speed (in cgs)
- cp: heat capacity, at constant pressure
- gamma: ratio of heat capacities, at constant pressure to constant volume
- eint: internal energy (in cgs)
- tauconv: mean turn-over time of convective motions
- sconv: local velocity of convective cells
- lconv/l: local energy transported by convection, per unit time, divided by the total local luminosity
- lrad/l: local energy transported by radiative transfer, per unit time, divided by the total local luminosity
- enuc: nuclear energy production rate (in cgs)
- enuc-enu: same as enuc but including the energy loss rate due to nuclear neutrinos (in cgs)
- egrav: gravothermal energy production rate (in cgs)
- hydrat: measure of the local departure from strict hydrostatic equilibrium
- dturb; total turbulent diffusion coefficient (in cgs)
- dmicro: total microscopic diffusion coefficient (in cgs)
- vdmicro: velocity associated to the microscopic diffusion (in cgs)